Brought the kids to Carrefour Puchong Utama for dinner, some grocery shopping and of course, play time. Here are some of the shapshots. Harith enjoyed riding the bike while Hannah, yes, it was a remote-controlled car - had a blast "drive". Although it was a school night, we had promised Harith few times before that we will bring him here and let him ride. Alhamdulillah, they enjoyed it very much.
レイバン wayfarerのモデルと言ったら、フレームの色がたくさんあるでしょう。この間、あのレイバンアウトレットショップで、かなり変わっているビビットグリーンのRB2140を見たが、5800円という値段、おかしいと思った。こう言うレアなレイバン RB2140モデル、そんなに安いわけがないよね!